1 - Do you have to be registered to bet?
No, you can bet on our site even without being registered, however, you will need the registration to validate and pay your hunches.
2 - What data do I need to register?
Only the basic data, such as: surname, date of birth, country, email and password.
3 - What are the means of payment that the site offers?
We work in partnership with accredited resellers who offer various means of payment, such as, for example: credit card, bank slip, deposit, PIX and transfer. that have this option.
4 - If I am awarded, how can I receive my prize?
Prizes can be requested from the “Receive Prize” menu item. It will only be necessary to have a bank account registered on the website for your payment to be made within 24 hours, counting from the first business day after the request date.
must be in the same name as the account holder.
You can also convert rewards to credits in the “Receive Prize” item.
Obs.: it will be necessary to have all the registration data completed and updated (mainly your bank details) so that, in case of doubt, we can contact you.
must be in the same name as the account holder.
You can also convert rewards to credits in the “Receive Prize” item.
Obs.: it will be necessary to have all the registration data completed and updated (mainly your bank details) so that, in case of doubt, we can contact you.
5 - I won a prize of more than 1,000 credits, but the amount did not automatically enter my prize balance, what happened?
Values of awards over 1,000 (thousand credits) are retained in the system for internal audit and within a maximum of 24 hours will be available for request of receipt or conversion.
6 - If I win a prize, can I convert to new credits?
Yes, you can convert earned winnings into credits for new bets. Access the "Receive Premium" menu item, enter the amount you want to convert and click "Convert to Credits".
7 - Is any fee charged so that I can receive my premium in bank account?
You can make "one" request per day for free. If you wish to request the receipt in your account, more than once a day, a fee will be charged to be shown at the time of your request.
8 - Can I place my bet up to how many minutes before closing the lottery?
In some modalities like Traditional, Seninha and Quininha, bets are closed about 5 to 10 minutes before each draw. In the "Sports betting" mode, the impediment in the making of new bets is given 10 minutes before the match.
9 - How are the Instant Lottery Drawings held?
The "instant lottery" uses an international electronic draw recognition pattern that generates random numbers. This occurs through a high reliability open source algorithm called "Random Number Generator (RNG)". This code is audited by certification companies with the use of scientific methods that attest their total randomness in generating results. This code is used by most of the online casinos in the world and audited by regulators and government officials in their countries.
10 - What is the limit to bet on a modality?
The bet amount in the site modality are dynamic and are defined at the time of the bet. If you try to bet a higher than allowed amount, the system will display a warning informing you about the bet limit at that time.
11 - What are tipped tips?
They are hunches that by their high betting index in certain moments or dates are unavailable for sale by their accumulation of sales.
12 - How can I be a reseller?
You will first need to register with the dealer www.spnet.app/revender . Your registration will be reviewed and, in case of approval, we will contact you with the necessary information to finalize your request. And then you'll be able to download the app and start your sales.
13 - What are the advantages of being a reseller?
1 - After approval of the registration, it will be possible to buy credits to sell to the bettors with 10% discount.
2 - You will have access to our online reseller system through the Mobile application. With it you will be able to make direct sales to your customer and be part of our network of resellers.
3 - Generate the credit codes for the bettors within the "Mobile" application itself.
4 - It will be possible to sell products and exclusive Lotteries that are not present in the site.
5 - You will have your sales contact disclosed on the site spnet.com in the area of purchase of credits with disclosure made by the site itself in various channels and media.
6 - Fast support through exclusive contact channels with resellers.
2 - You will have access to our online reseller system through the Mobile application. With it you will be able to make direct sales to your customer and be part of our network of resellers.
3 - Generate the credit codes for the bettors within the "Mobile" application itself.
4 - It will be possible to sell products and exclusive Lotteries that are not present in the site.
5 - You will have your sales contact disclosed on the site spnet.com in the area of purchase of credits with disclosure made by the site itself in various channels and media.
6 - Fast support through exclusive contact channels with resellers.
14 - What is the validity period for the activation of the "Credit Code"?
The Credit Code, purchased from the dealers, is valid for 90 days. After this period it will be invalidated and can no longer be activated on the site.
15 - What is the validity of the credit after inserted in the site?
The credit entered in the "Credit Balance" will be valid for 180 days. After this period will be blocked until a new reload of any value is performed. The validity of the credits balance will always be renewed as soon as a recharge is made. After a period of 365 days of inactivity by the user on the site, your account will be suspended and your balances, credits and prizes, zeroed.
16 - What is the validity of my Prize Balance on the site?
The prizes won on the site are entered in the "Prize Balance" and the validity for the redemption or conversion will be 90 days counted from the last prize received. (The validity of the prize balance will always be renewed when new prizes are awarded.) < After this deadline, the balance of premiums will be prescribed and zeroed, being unable to be redeemed or converted to credits. After a 365-day period of inactivity by the site user, your account will be deleted along with your credit and premium balances.
17 - If I stay too long without using the site, does my account expire?
The deadline for inactivation of the account will be 365 days counted from the last login made by the user. After this period, all balances will be reset and the account will be suspended.
18 - How do I get access to quotes?
The prices of the modalities available on the site can be viewed by visiting the following link: https://www.spnet.app/cotacoes.
19 - Can I redeem my credit if I do not want to use it?
No. The credits can not be redeemed, only wagered. Only prizes can be redeemed, according to the rules established by the Terms of Use of the site.
20 - Why, in some bets, the value of the hunches are different from the value chosen?
As the system divides the value bet by the number of prizes, lotteries and also by the number of hunches chosen, not always this value will result in a whole number. In many cases, the value will be rounded to the nearest value of the chosen one.
Example: A bet of 1.00 in MILHAR with 6 different tips, played from 1st to 5th prize, will result in a bet with value of 1.02.
Example: A bet of 1.00 in MILHAR with 6 different tips, played from 1st to 5th prize, will result in a bet with value of 1.02.
21 - When I place a bet and receive a PRIZE message, the value is not immediately shown in my balance, why does it occur?
All bets on our site go through 2 (two) verification systems (Check and Check). The first one just does an instant check at the end of the results launch and checks the mathematical calculation of the bet.
The second, a little more time-consuming, can take up to 5 minutes to happen. integrity of the bet, check of the established criteria and calculations of the award. Only after the second check will the user be notified of the prize by email and throwing his prize in the respective balance.
The second, a little more time-consuming, can take up to 5 minutes to happen. integrity of the bet, check of the established criteria and calculations of the award. Only after the second check will the user be notified of the prize by email and throwing his prize in the respective balance.
22 - What happens with Sports bets from postponed or canceled games?
In the case of single bets, (with only one match per ticket) if there is a postponement for more than 24 hours, or a definitive cancellation of an event, the customer may request a refund of the amount invested in the bet which will be added back to his credit balance.
23 - What happens with postponed or canceled game bets on multiple bets?
For combined bets, with more than one match on the same ticket, the bet will be settled without considering the event that did not occur, naturally changing the prize estimate, the ticket may be canceled only in case of correct result of the other events on the same ticket .
24 - Are the prices of the modalities always fixed or can they change?
The odds can vary up or down at certain times of the year or according to the betting flow. It is solely the responsibility of the spnet website to change the quotes without prior notice, the user must be aware and check the quotes at the time of placing your bet.
25 - If a sporting match is DELAYED, INTERRUPTED or ABANDONED, what happens?
If, on a ticket that already contains winning bets, there are also bets on matches that have been interrupted, abandoned or postponed, the bettor must wait for the affected match to occur or for the total or partial cancellation of the event to be duly confirmed, to You can then claim partial prize from the bets or you can request cancellation of the ticket after the minimum period of 72 hours and receive a refund only of the amount wagered on the ticket.
26 - In the event of a change in the drawing schedule or changes in lotteries, what happens?
The ticket is automatically canceled and the amount is reversed to your site credit balance.
27 - How does spnet Cashback work?
Cashback works through promotions on our website, and can be applied at the end of the customer's shopping cart.
The promotions are made for one or more modalities and can give cashback bonuses of different values.
Amounts received through cashback will be available in the credit balance within a period of 24 hours after payment of the bets.
The promotions are made for one or more modalities and can give cashback bonuses of different values.
Amounts received through cashback will be available in the credit balance within a period of 24 hours after payment of the bets.